To keep competitive, most successful firms are constantly seeking out ways to improve their bottom line. However, there are some areas that enterprises are advised never to skimp on. Cyber security should remain a top priority for businesses, as attempting to spend less on protective measures can result in greater expenses later.
Encryption software is designed to protect confidential data, whether it is contained in communications like emails or digital files, or documents attached to messages. Whether information is at rest in the cloud, on servers or being sent and shared with trusted recipients and collaborators, encryption ensures only those with access privileges can interact with it preserving its integrity and privacy.
Read on as we look at the cost of using email encryption, the options available and the price many firms face when they do not deploy it as part of their protective protocols.
Free encryption
Encryption software can be found entirely free of charge. However, it is understood that the protection levels offered by such solutions are unlikely to withstand a relentless attack. Firms who wish to ensure their communications and data stores remain secure are advised to avoid this option.
How is encryption charged for
A wide range of encryption software is available, but not all solutions are equal. End-to-end-encryption is the only option worth considering and software should be user-friendly and provide comprehensive cover. For example, an encrypted email should always encrypt any attached files.
Encryption licenses are typically required for each corporate identity. Fortunately, the more licenses required by a company, the more cost-effective buying a solution becomes.
What is the cost of not using data encryption?
If confidential company data or personally identifiable information (PII) belonging to data subjects such as staff, customers, clients or partners is disclosed, a data breach occurs. If a firm has failed to take appropriate steps to protect the information, such as using encryption software, data regulators like the Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO) has the right to punish them with huge fines which sometimes involve millions of pounds. Firms can face further costs which can be crippling including expensive security investigations and remediation measures, data subject compensation and loss of business and stock value.
Deploy data encryption now
If you need end-to-end encryption software for your firm, contact Galaxkey today to access our powerful three-later solution. We can offer you a free 14-day trial so you can get protected immediately at zero cost while you assess your needs.