Each year, International Programmers Day is celebrated around the world on the 256th day of the year. The numeral 256 was selected as in terms of distinct values, it’s the number that can be represented by a byte, which is a well-known value to any programmer. Proposed by a Russian software firm’s employees back in 2002, today its recognised by programmers across the globe.
Unless it’s a leap year, the celebration always falls today (September 13). To honour the efforts of these professionals, we are taking a closer look at the role of programming in cybersecurity, along with the core languages every expert must know.
Why is programming key to cybersecurity?
Technology has become an integral part of the way every enterprise, government, non-profit organisation, and educational institution operates. Our increasing dependence on technological solutions has been identified by criminals as a potential vulnerability and is frequently targeted by a wide range of scammers, hackers, and cyberterrorists seeking to disrupt services and steal resources.
As cybercriminals increase the complexity of their attacks, it falls to cybersecurity professionals to develop more enhanced protective options to safeguard enterprises and the information they retain. Cybersecurity isn’t just using an operating system equipped with tools to identify vulnerabilities. In order to thwart attacks, experts must be able to think like threat operators and seek out ways a system can be exploited.
To become a specialist in cybersecurity, individuals must master programming languages, helping to understand how an attack can take place and how to defend against it. For this reason, the ability to code will always be a skill in high demand within the cybersecurity sector.
C and C++
Both C and C++ offer access to low-level information technology infrastructure that isn’t well protected, making it easily exploited. Any experience in these languages makes it easier to respond to attacks that target low-level operations.
Structured Query Language (SQL)
SQL injection attacks are among the most widely employed hacking techniques. Hackers seek out SQL vulnerabilities and exploit them. However, cybersecurity professionals with SQL knowhow can fix these vulnerabilities.
High-level JavaScript is among the most popular web programming language, with almost all sites JavaScript supported. Java involves cross-site scripting (XSS), often exploited by attackers as a hacking technique for compromising sites. Hackers use input flaws to deploy scripts and assume control of a website, but experts who understand the language can identify flaws and create patches.
A popular programming language used by cybersecurity experts, Python features extensive libraries, simple and clear syntax, and code readability. It allows experts to build intrusion detection systems, scan networks and construct attack simulations.
Step up your protective protocols now
At Galaxkey, we offer our clients an effective defence against cybercrime that is simple for staff to use. With a single click, employees can lock their data away from threats with powerful encryption that makes it unintelligible to all but those awarded permissions.
Keep confounding cybercriminals and make sure your private data stays safe – contact us now to celebrate International Programmers Day with a free 14-day trial of Galaxkey’s secure workspace.