cybersecurity team around a table

Data is the lifeblood of businesses. It drives operations, decision-making, and customer engagement. However, with great data comes great responsibility. The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), established by the Securities and Exchange Act of 1934, has been at the forefront of ensuring transparency and fairness in the capital markets. In recent years, the SEC has taken significant steps to address the growing threat of cybersecurity breaches. In July 2023, the SEC made it crystal clear: a cybersecurity breach is a material breach, and companies must disclose it promptly.

The Staggering Costs of Cybersecurity Breaches

Cybersecurity breaches are not just a concern for tech giants or IT departments; they are a pervasive threat that can impact any business relying on digital infrastructure. The consequences of a breach are dire. Immediate costs include the expenditure to stop the attack, loss of customers and revenue, and the looming spectre of lawsuits from both shareholders and customers. Companies may also see their insurance premiums skyrocket, and auditors and boards of directors will closely scrutinize their security measures. Moreover, the distraction from core business tasks and the erosion of customer trust can lead to additional expenses in the form of hiring lawyers and experts.

Real-World Examples: SEC’s Crackdown on Breach Disclosure

To illustrate the seriousness of the issue, let’s look at a couple of real-world cases. In 2021, Pearson PLC, a British publishing company, had to pay a hefty $1 million settlement to resolve charges that it misled investors following a data breach and theft of millions of student records. Similarly, First American Financial Corp faced a $500,000 fine for its lack of disclosure controls when a vulnerability in its system exposed a staggering 800 million image files, including Social Security numbers and financial information.

What Does the SEC 2023 Regulation Say?

The recent SEC regulation underscores the importance of promptly disclosing cybersecurity incidents. According to the new rules, if a company experiences a cyber breach, it must report the breach within four working days by filing a Form 8-K. Additionally, companies must provide disclosures related to their cybersecurity risk management and strategy in their Form 10-K filings. This includes describing their processes for identifying and managing material risks from cybersecurity threats and whether these risks have had or are likely to have a material impact on their business.

The Need for a Data-Centric Approach

To mitigate the risks of a cybersecurity breach, companies need to shift their perspective on data protection. Traditionally, most cybersecurity efforts focused on network-centric defenses. However, as cyber threats evolve, relying solely on network security is no longer sufficient.

Imagine your company’s network is breached, and cybercriminals gain access to your systems. The key question is, what can they do with the data they find? This is where a data-centric approach becomes paramount. Companies must ensure that even if their network defenses are breached, the stolen data remains useless to malicious actors.

The Role of Data Encryption

Data encryption is the linchpin of data-centric security. When data is encrypted, even if a cybercriminal manages to access it, the data remains unreadable and therefore worthless. Implementing robust data encryption not only minimizes the impact of material breaches but also demonstrates a commitment to data security that can be invaluable in the eyes of regulators and stakeholders.

Do SEC Regulations Affect Your Company?

If your business is public or part of a supply chain, SEC regulations undoubtedly have an impact on your operations. In today’s digital age, where data is exchanged, stored, and transmitted in various forms, data protection becomes a paramount concern.

Consider these common use cases where data protection is critical:

  • Exchanging sensitive emails: Email remains a primary communication medium for businesses.
  • Sharing and receiving large files: Managed file transfers require secure handling of sensitive data.
  • e-Signatures: Businesses frequently sign documents containing sensitive data electronically.
  • File archiving: Historical data storage must be secure to protect sensitive information.
  • Instant messaging: As a new communication medium, it’s essential to secure instant messages effectively.

In all these scenarios, data must be protected and accessible only to authorized recipients. SEC regulations have a broad reach, affecting everyone involved, creating a ripple effect throughout the business world.

The Cloud: A New Frontier for Data Protection

As companies shift to cloud-based services, they entrust their sensitive data to third-party providers. While these providers offer robust security measures, recent attacks on cloud services have exposed vulnerabilities. This makes it imperative for companies, especially those subject to SEC regulations, to take a proactive approach to secure their data, even when stored with third parties.

How Can We Help?

Galaxkey is an encryption platform designed to work independently of networks, devices, and applications. We offer a range of products based on Galaxkey technology to address various business needs. Our team is ready to guide you and provide the right solutions to help your business comply with SEC regulations. Contact us today to safeguard your data and protect your company’s future.

In conclusion, the new SEC regulation emphasizes the critical importance of cybersecurity and data protection in today’s digital business landscape. Companies must adopt a data-centric approach, prioritize data encryption, and ensure compliance with SEC rules to safeguard their operations, reputation, and financial stability. Don’t wait until a breach occurs; take proactive steps to protect your data and your business.

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