Introducing new employees and bringing their knowledge up to date regarding company policy and procedures, also known as employee onboarding, is today standard practice. This important process typically covers topics such as what is expected in terms of daily duties, correct communication channels and specific policies dictating time off for sickness and leave.
In well-organised enterprises, this early stage of employment also includes comprehensive cybersecurity training. High-quality staff cybersecurity training, combined with ongoing training for employees, can play a critical role in ensuring all company data, systems and software, and assorted digital assets remain safe. Read on to discover why this informative and educational process is so important when onboarding new staff.
Start as you mean to go on
When it comes to staff and cybersecurity, bad habits can be hard to break. By providing instruction immediately you can ensure that employees understand the rules from day one, reducing the chance of poor practices later. While teaching new staff members your procedures is important, make sure you explain why each measure is critical and the potential risks if improper care is taken to adhere to protocols. Explain the danger and potential costs of a data breach for your business, and your company’s stance on accountability.
Comprehensive training and clear communication
Staff should be taught how to identify a phishing email aimed at them, but also be aware of harmful behaviour they may unwittingly undertake outside of office hours. Ensure they understand how social engineering attacks work and explain why they should limit the amount of personal and company information they make freely accessible online, for example on social media accounts.
While technological solutions are vital, a member of staff who can recognise a threat and report it is exceptionally valuable. By training your staff to spot a potential attack on your company when they start working for you, you’ll immediately have a new ally on your side. Make certain every new employee also knows who to report suspicious messages and other threats to, so you can isolate and mitigate attacks. If one member of staff has been targeted, it is likely that others will be receiving the same messages.
Creating a safer workplace for your staff
Whether your employees are working on-premises, on the go or remotely from home, they need a safe environment to operate from. Suited to a wide range of operating systems and different devices, the Galaxkey secure workspace is an ideal option to answer the security needs of modern businesses.
Our workspace has been equipped to ensure your staff have access to the latest safeguards available, enhancing how you protect both personal and company data. Robust three-layer encryption allows employees to render emails and data files indecipherable to all but those with appropriate permission, while electronic document signing enables them to validate signatories and reassure customers and clients while completing important contracts.
To improve your data security measures with an easy-to-learn and user-friendly system, contact our team today and book your 14-day free trial.