Notification of Infringement
Galaxkey Limited (“Galaxkey”) abides by copyright laws and regulations and will respond to written notifications of alleged infringement by lawful copyright holders. As part of our response, we may remove or disable access to allegedly infringing material residing on our websites and within our services. Please note that Galaxkey does not control content hosted on any third-party website and can’t remove content from any website it does not own or control.
Although Galaxkey makes every effort to ensure that material that infringes the law will not be present on Galaxkey’s website, the risk cannot be entirely eliminated. If you are concerned that you have found material on our website, for which you have not given permission and infringes copyright laws, please follow the procedures of this policy. The policy is published on Galaxkey’s website and services at Galaxkey Legal.
The Policy provides clear instructions on how to submit a complaint or copyright infringement notification and explains how Galaxkey shall respond to such a complaint and the procedures that Galaxkey shall follow.
How to submit a copyright infringement notification
In the event that you believe that you are the owner of the copyright in any of the material on this website and do not consent to the use of the material in accordance with the terms and conditions of use of this website, please send Galaxkey a written communication providing the following required information:
Please be aware that anyone who deliberately falsifies that material or activity is infringing may be liable for damages and lawyers’ fees incurred by the alleged infringer or by Galaxkey. Thus, if you are not sure whether material infringes your copyright, you should first consider contacting a lawyer to make certain.
How Galaxkey shall respond to copyright infringement notifications
On receipt of the copyright infringement notification Galaxkey shall:
Where to send the copyright notification
The copyright infringement notifications should be submitted to our Galaxkey Agent in writing.
In order to process your complaint as quickly as possible, please provide all the required information and send it to the Galaxkey registered office at 2nd Floor, New Barnes Mill, Cottonmill Lane, St Albans, AL1 2HA.
Further Contact Information
Phone: +44 (0) 333 150 6660