Private passwords have long been the standard for many businesses that want to safeguard their systems and employee email accounts. While they can be effective, passwords must be strong enough to withstand a brute-force attack by cybercriminals who use software solutions to crack simple passwords. In this blog, we’ll explore some practical options for creating powerful passwords that keep threat actors at bay.
Bruce Schneier Method
One method for generating hard-to-break passwords that are easy to remember is the Bruce Schneier Method, also known as the “Sentence method.” This method involves creating a sentence that is difficult to forget and taking the first two letters of each word to form a password. For example, the sentence “We went to the pub in Wales last Wednesday” becomes “WewetothpuinWalaWe.”
Three-word combination
Another viable option recommended by the UK’s National Cyber Security Centre is to use a three-word combination. This approach involves selecting three unrelated words and combining them to create a password that is strong and easy to remember. For example, “algebra,” “Southampton,” and “kindly” could become “algebraSouthamptonkindly.”
Password generators
Password generators can also be used to create hundreds of strong passwords for your business, which can be stored securely in a password vault to prevent unauthorized access. These systems also offer multiple recovery options in case users forget their passwords. A word of warning though. If you generate and store your passwords in a password manager, they aren’t necessarily safe, as users of Lastpass found out in 2022.
Password provisos
Some common rules always apply when it comes to password protection. Credentials chosen should never be too simple to guess, for example “123456” or “Password”. It is also essential that they do not include personal information related to their user which may be discovered when researched. For instance, a person’s birthday, the name of their pet, spouse or sibling or their favourite sports team or hobby should never form part of a password.
Why must passwords be easy to remember?
Passwords must not only be strong but also easy for users to remember. When employees find passwords difficult to recall, they may resort to writing them down on sticky notes or tick “remember password on this device” boxes on screens, which can compromise security.
Keep your data private and your employees safe
At Galaxkey, we have developed a secure workspace that enables your team to work safely and efficiently, whether they are working remotely or in the office. Our system has been designed without any backdoors for threat operators to exploit, and passwords are never stored where they can be stolen. To experience our secure workspace for yourself, contact us now for an online demonstration or a free two-week trial.