With malware and hacking attacks increasingly being aimed at businesses, it is vital to establish a data backup plan. While ransomware raids and computer viruses can see data damaged stolen or destroyed, a simple human error or natural disaster can unleash the same negative impact just as easily.

To ensure that your operation can be restored to full working order and no vital information is lost, backing up data is absolutely critical. Read on for three key points to remember regarding this imperative process.

Redundant backups

While a single, comprehensive backup of your firms’ data files and network is always better than retaining nothing, it is still not entirely secure. Both your cloud provider and you could potentially be impacted by identical malware. In other cases, a regional environmental disaster could destroy the digital infrastructure at both the data centre you use and your office premises.

As a result, it’s vital that your backup and data recovery strategy always involves multiple backups. Where possible, your data should always be copied to several different data centres with multiple miles between them. An even better solution is to store your core data with at least two established cloud vendors. This ensure any data will persist on multiple networks that are completely unconnected.

Use automated scheduling

When you must remember to back up your company files to a server or to the cloud, there is always a chance that an individual charged with this responsibility may forget their duty. When this happens, a company can potentially lose valuable data for days or weeks, which will be irretrievable if a breach should occur or damage is inflicted on your systems.

Fortunately, automation can help. Most enterprise cloud storage firms will offer software or services that can help you designate data files for recovery and backup. This can make certain that they are synced safely in the cloud. Always check for the additional option for running incremental backups. This can help cut down the quantity of bandwidth necessary by your backup schedule.

Periodically, you’ll likely also wish to run larger backups. The best practice is to always arrange data-heavy backups that may include enterprise databases to upload during the night, so they won’t impact your available resources and daytime office operations.

Employ encryption

Most firms need to back up private data, like customer information, invoice details or personnel records. While the data that you handle might not be especially sensitive, you’ll still want to keep your company’s data files secure in the event that your cloud provider or network is hacked.

Encryption software is an ideal solution. Whether your data is being stored in the cloud or on servers, retained on devices or is being emailed and shared, encryption can keep it secure. Before storing your sensitive data files, adding encryption can ensure that no one without authorisation and a decryption key can view the information held within.

For a powerful encryption solution that is easy for your staff to implement, contact Galaxkey today and safeguard your data backups.