Credential theft is a common malicious activity of modern threat operators. Using tactics like social engineering, spoof attacks and phishing emails, operators create cunning ploys to part users from the passwords and usernames they use to access private information.
Links may be added to insidious messages that, when clicked on, redirect recipients to phishing sites. These sites often seamlessly resemble login pages of legitimate sites and users fail to see any danger, so add their confidential credentials without hesitation. Operators then harvest these details and take possession of them.
In this blog, we’ll look at some of the potential outcomes of such incidents with an in-depth look into how cybercriminals abuse login details.
Penetrating accounts and accessing key systems
Whether login details are for email and bank accounts or company profiles, hackers will use credentials to bypass security and access private information and the privileges offered. With the correct credentials, an operator has the power to perform every task manageable by a legitimate user. As a result, they can commit multiple malicious actions like sending out spoof emails, arranging lines of credit, transferring funds, and even locking users out of accounts by changing passwords.
Attackers can also send messages from user accounts to colleagues and clients while impersonating the legitimate owner of the credentials to fool others into harmful actions.
If passwords are connected to company networks and servers, the impact on enterprises can be devastating. Sensitive data on customers, clients, contacts, suppliers and staff can be exposed and stolen, as well as company information on important business and financial agreements, resulting in a data breach.
Malicious installations
With access to a user’s device or a company network, a threat operator may also have the authority to install malware depending on the admin privileges associated with the stolen credentials. Spyware, ransomware, computer viruses, and worms are all options at their disposal for deployments. Another unpleasant possibility is that they can enslave company devices and make them part of a botnet without the user ever being aware it is an unwitting party in cyberattacks against other firms.
Selling credentials
While attackers may use the credentials in their own activities, many instead choose to auction them off to the highest bidder to generate revenues. Threat operators who specialise in credential theft are well-known for selling on vast stores of passwords and usernames on forums based on the dark web, and on their own data leak sites.
Protecting your employees against attacks
The Galaxkey secure workspace promotes safer operating standards for employees of enterprises, educational institutions, and local government. Our solution never stores private passwords where they can be claimed by attackers, and there are no backdoors for them to exploit within the system.
Equipped with innovative tools for emails security and data protection like e-signatures and end-to-end-encryption, our available options can help you safeguard your staff from credential-stealing attackers.
To test-drive our tools and secure workspace, get in touch with us today and arrange a free two-week trial.